Jamie Kelty / Fine Art / Painting / Small Works / Twilight Serenade

$ 295.00

Twilight Serenade Mixed Media Painting

These works have acrylic, ink, sketchbook drawings, photos, assorted paper, and magazines piecemealed together to form the compositions. The raw materials and meticulous details in Jamie Kelty's collages reflect her memories, history and a crafted world of design. "When I make these art works, I want to give the characters some grounding, memento, or insight that connects the character to the story and visually adds interest, texture, and depth to the composition." ~ Jamie Kelty

"The wood blocks were given to me by my artist-uncle who made them for his college students for a small works exhibit. Some blocks were left behind with a few unfinished layers. I put layers of acrylic color over them and worked with sketches I had done of Sunday Jazz musicians at Cafe International on lower Haight street. I also used sketches of the video installation “The Visitors” by Ragnar Kjartansson & The All Star Band at SFMOMA. I added images from interiors to ground the work and give it a place, layering more paint to unify the elements.
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