Personal Curation
Looking for something special for your home, a gift, or for a client project? We’d love to help. From everyday objects, lifestyle essentials or investment pieces, we are available for virtual or in person consults. Get in touch via email or our online form, and we can schedule some time for an initial conversation to get things started.
Shop for pretty things category by category, designer by designer. You can also contacts us if you see something you like in our website content, on Instagram or via our mailings. Please email us via our online form, or call 415-569-4383.
Artist Submissions
If you're interested in presenting your work, please email us a link to your website or portfolio, an artist statement or bio, social media account links and other information you want to share about your story and background.
Press Inquiries
Need a good story? We'd be delighted to chat! Email us via the contact form or talk to Bonnie at 415-305-8973 or Jeffrey at 415-569-4383.
Wholesale Inquiries
If you are interested in carrying the Jeffrey Levin collection, Jeffrey's jewelry also available to view on Poet and/the Bench, please email Jeffrey or talk to him at 415-569-4383.
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