Conversations with an Artist: Kaja Skytte

Kaja Skytte_Home Goods_Galaxy Globe

We discovered Kaja Skytte and her studio when we were walking through the Vesterbro neighborhood of Copenhagen. The Galaxy Globe mobiles hanging in the window captured our attention with their modern, jewel-like elegance resembling small solar systems. Her Planteplaneter are based on a traditional Japanese technique and we loved the way they made the plants heroic in their suspension. We wanted more. While bringing plants from overseas wasn't possible, we're excited to share Kaja's Galaxy Globes, Halos and Hangers. 

8 Questions

Describe the moment you realized art fed your soul.
I went to a school with lots of art and music since 1st grade and both my parents draw and make things. So it I grew up with it. It is naturally part of my life. Through education in architecture school I realized I loved working with my hands and wanted to do it full time. 

What themes do you pursue in your art?
Materials have always been interesting for me. What you can do with them and not do. Also connections and small details. How to attach and merge things. Right now I work a lot in brass but I also really like to connect new materials and am working with plants and stone.

Tell us about what influenced your direction for the art you create.
Space and installation art. I love to think about how my art affects space and now I do a lot of product design and think about my work in a spatial context.

How has your work developed over time?
I have always been quite sure about what I like and how I want things to be when it comes to design. I don’t think about it so much—it is more a feeling about how I like it and it also comes from things I’ve learned through the years, both in school and having my own company. There is always a context around what you do when you work so that luckily challenges me all the time—it could be a frame around an art work, daily life, production limits…

What’s the most indispensable item in your studio?
My machines and maybe the things I make that are more one of kind. I use tools a lot and that’s the way I create. I don’t draw so much, sometimes of course.. but  I work and design more with my hands. I really like when you create without really knowing what you are doing. That works very well for me.

Do you collect anything?
Stones and the moment. 

What’s the most inspiring thing you’ve seen, read, watched or listened to recently?
In Denmark, I sometimes work at the Danish Art workshop. That is such a perfect place for creating and meeting other artists and designers. That is very inspiring.

What advice would you give to your younger self about your artistic journey?
Don’t doubt so much, just make stuff. And also you will never ever be finished. This is not this kind of job where things are finished. It is a never ending process so you have to be a person who doesn’t mind living in a process all the time. It is definitely a lifestyle more than a job. 

Galaxy Globe


Galaxy Globe Galaxy Globe


Kaja Skytte


Check out the selection of Danish architect and designer Kaja Skytte's home goods in the shop and read about the artist collaboration with Kaja by architect Kirsty Badenoch in our Conversations with an Artist: Kirsty Badenoch

If you'd like more information, please do get in touch, or 415-569-4383.

See you soon,

Bonnie & Jeffrey

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