Denise Carletta / Fine Art / Sculpture / Fallen Wood Vol 11

$ 850.00

This new series follows the shapes of the fallen wood Denise has collected. Vol 11 is a standing male figure, mounted on steel to hang on the wall. From the artist: "I am captivated by the human figure and the way a gesture can speak to us. A simple truth through simple forms, this is what inspires me to create sculptures."

Denise talks about how her inspiration is often about exposing ourselves, our true selves, whoever that is. And how much work it is to embrace that part of our nature.

"I have always lived what I felt, balancing on the rim of the bowl sort of speak, for which my art held me on and kept me from falling… By adding and taking away clay and mark making with my tools, personas emerge in a captured moment. I focus on minimal details to portray the story the figure has. The emotional weight of each piece is expressed thru that gesture. I am compelled to find the single gesture that captures the essential meaning of that figure’s story. This speaks to me on multiple levels." ~ Denise Carletta
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Meet the Artist