Made with Love Coloring Contest!

Pick up a coloring page at our shop at 11 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, or print it out here. Color it with all your imagination and bring to our shop, post it on Instagram and/or sendΒ a picture of it via email.

We will pick a winner in DecemberΒ in each of 3 categories

  • Kids up to 10 years old
  • 11-18 years old
  • 19+

    Poet and the Bench Made with Love Mural Coloring Page Download

    πŸ’“ Spread a universal message of love πŸ’“

    Enter our MADE WITH LOVE ✨GIVE AWAY✨!!

    1. COLOR our MADE WITH LOVE Coloring Page
    2. BRING it to Poet and the Bench at 11 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley OR EMAIL itΒ OR POST it on Instagram
    3. FOLLOW @poetandthebench on Insta
    4. POST the pic of your coloring page in your Insta Feed as a Post (and in Stories, too!) and TAG @poetandthebench AND with 3 HASHTAGS: #poetandthebench #madewithlovemural and #pinkbearmural
    5. SUBMIT at least 48 hours prior to the deadline below
    6. WINNERS: We’ll pick a coloring page to feature in each category and the person who posted it will receive a gift certificate to Poet and/the Bench for $100 (CONTEST HAS ENDED)

    We will direct message the πŸ…WINNERSπŸ… on December 15, 2021. This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by Instagram/Facebook. Give awayΒ begins at 7:00 PM PST on OctΒ 7 2021Β andΒ ends at 11:59 PM PSTΒ December 15 2021. (CONTEST HAS ENDED)

    Want to post in front of our mural? Check out the blog post about our Made with Love mural and come visit!

    Made With Love Mural in San Francisco Bay Area at Poet and the Bench in Mill ValleyΒ 

    Terms of Use
    No Purchase Necessary. Any purchase in our shop does not enhance chance of winning.Β Void where prohibited.Β By using the hashtagsΒ #poetandthebench #madewithlovemural and #pinkbearmural you agree to allow Poet and/the Bench to use your art and/or photo of art for marketing initiatives including, but not limited to, social media posts, video, or other digital media without payment or other consideration. You also irrevocably agree to authorize Poet and/the Bench to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute the photos of your art for any lawful purpose. In addition, you waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein your likeness appears. Additionally, you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photo or your art. For questions, please contact us atΒ


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