Happy New Year! And About Our Name...


Hello! We hope you've had a joyful welcome to 2016. We are beyond grateful for the overwhelming support of our new artistic endeavor—the merging of jewelry, art and home goodsthat is Poet and the Bench. Thank you for making us feel so welcome, for your encouragement and for being part of the community we are in the nascent stages of creating. 

Many of you have asked, how did we come up with the name, Poet and/the Bench. Here's our story:

BP: When Jeffrey is working on a master or a piece of jewelry, he says, "I have to get on the bench," so that stuck in our thoughts and conversations over the years. 

JL: I also still have my vintage bench that I acquired in the late 80's in New York and it’s a powerfully present symbol of my craft (now in the store as a display table). The name evolved over a weekend brainstorm with Bonnie's sister about a name with the word bench in some form. 

BP: But it needed to be emotional and have the ability to connect. After all, craft is about people and the appreciation of beauty. Benchwork or similar names were too cold. 

JL: As we talked about expanding the philosophy of the store to include all makers who work on a bench (literally and figuratively) and the narrativestories of people, cultures and traditionswe landed on the idea of the poetry that is created. Not sure who combined it first but when it was floating in the air we all just stopped. It was the right name.

As we look ahead to what 2016 has in store, we're excited about upcoming introductions to new artists and the muses and discoveries, nay poets, we'll be sharing all year long. Stay tuned for an invite shortly to our next opening. Save the date for the reception: January 30 1-5pm. But come see us before then; we have new items in the store all the time!

Looking forward to all the possibility,

Jeffrey & Bonnie

Poet and the Bench_element

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hello@poetandthebench.com | 415.569.4383 | 10E Locust Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941