Fertile Soil Series Finale by Laura Roebuck

Poet and/the Bench Gallery Features the Finale of "Fertile Soil" an Exhibit Thru December 31
Mill Valley painter Laura Roebuck began her "Fertile Soil" paintings in 2019. The series seamlessly blends the independence from visual reference in her abstract paintings with the interruption of an abstract ranunculus or other flora. The gestural mark coming in at the last moment of effort made, is a poignant crescendo in a concept around "Fertile Soil."
Laura is known for her large-scale compositions of saturated, intense color works along with studies in neutrals, muted tones and monochromes, Her paintings are created using common household and construction tools, traditional palette knives, paintbrushes and found, broken and collected objects. As a gestural painter, Laura relies on her experience as a psychologist and turns inward, capturing what lies in the subconscious. 

Fertile Soil 8
The physical gestures in Laura's work add movement, texture and emotion. Only when she has reached a visual language that she feels has completed the expression does she determine a canvas to be final–with many of her paintings being worked on over the course of three to four years.
Fertile Soil 7-10 are the last paintings Laura Roebuck will create in this poignant mark making series. Fertile Soil 9 and 10 are "deconstructed" paintings with excavations revealing parts hidden. Much like the role of the hidden observer, these paintings, rich in color and discovery, allow your mind to wander.

Fertile Soil 10 (Deconstructed)
Poet and/the Bench gallery are also showing a large-scale abstract painting "By Directional Intent" that presents the maturity of Laura Roebuck's layered surfaces and fluid brushwork. 
By Directional Intent

View available artworks by Laura Roebuck here and read an interview with Laura here